
This post is really an impromptu post. I did not plan on writing anything at all today but a certain something happened which now compelled me to write a new blog entry.

About 15 minutes ago, I received a call from mum. She's in Malacca now and I am here in KL. The first thing she asked me was if I still carry a handbag or my purse when I go out. I said that I don't and only do when I need to go to campus. She then proceeds to drop a bombshell on me.


The first few seconds I didn't register that my mum was talking about herself. When I asked her again then she confirmed that it is her purse. I went into are-you-okay-is-everything-alright-how-are-you-feeling mode. You can't blame me for worrying because she is my mother and someone just snatched her purse from her and she could have gotten seriously hurt but thank God she was not. 

Now for the angry part. 

I am seriously sick and tired of the abysmal safety levels of this country. Seriously, my mum is living in MALACCA which is a small state and not as developed as KL or Selangor is. At least for now. I get it that crime rates are typically higher in big cities so in KL and Selangor I cannot really say much. But Malacca? Like honestly? That state receives bus loads of tourists EVERY DAMN DAY and this is the kind of safety that the state has? It was in the morning and already people can get away with literal daylight robbery.

Supposedly there are more police lately to so-called combat the rising crime rates. So the biggest question would be where the hell were they when this kind of crime happens? Are there not police officers assigned to patrol the streets in order to stop or at least reduce crimes like snatch theft? Sure, you will say the police wasn't patrolling that particular area when it happened so they couldn't do anything right? I just wished they were more reliable. I'm not saying that this happened because of their absence but their presence would certainly have helped a little.

I tend to think that people who would commit such crimes are most probably financially troubled. Maybe they were desperate for money so they chose to get money the easy way, by stealing other people's money. In this shit economy, our whole country is probably going down the shit hole in terms of finances. I have never felt the pinch of the bad economy this hard until recently. Everything is expensive and these days a piece of RM 50 is gone in a matter of one or two days and that's even when wise spending is practiced. 

What makes me really angry is these people who commit these crimes. Why can't they choose to get an extra job to earn the money that they need? Why is it that they need to resort to stealing? Why must they take what is not theirs? Why would they do that to another human being when they themselves are also humans? I do not know what kind of a person snatched my mum's purse but I am inclined to think that if they were smart (in some sick twisted way) enough to think about committing such crimes they should be smart enough to think of other alternatives to earn money. 

My mum has worked so hard to provide for her family. There were plenty of times when money was short but did she resort to stealing?  HELL NO. All she did was spend less and work hard to earn money because she had to support our family. She never gave up because her job was tough nor did she find the easy way out when she didn't have enough money. 

*cooling down a notch or two*

The difference between people who committed these crimes and people who don't are basically principle and religion. A person with strong principles in life as well as a good faith in whichever religion they are will know that committing crime is never the way. You cannot deny that every religion teaches its respective believers to do good things in life. It doesn't matter which religion because we are taught the same few things in every religion. Number 1 on the list is always DO GOOD THINGS.

So I don't know what kind of principles these people have nor the kind of religion that they follow. I don't know what reasons they had for doing such things. It could be desperation or it could be just because they wanted that new gadget on the market or it could be because they just wanted to do it. I'm am angry that this country I call my home has ceased to feel like a home to me, in the sense that I no longer have the sense of security as a home should have when I walk out the doors of my house. 

Mum's left unharmed
So I am really really thankful for that
Thank You, Lord
Those who took the money
I am angry but I have to forgive you somehow
Maybe one day you will see the light
Love love love always


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