Public Health Campaign 2013


This post is a 'throwback' kind of post because I've been blogging more about the present that I left out this event so bear with me as I flashback and relive the moments again. 

Several months back, the School of Pharmacy (SOP) in collaboration with School of Medicine (SOM) from Taylor's University organized a Public Health Campaign (PHC) at Tropicana City Mall. It was the first PHC that was organized by these two schools. Seeing as I am part of SOP, I had to participate in this event. I was assigned under Stage Activities & Protocol as the event's emcee. It was a three day event and though three days may sound like a short period of time, every night I reached home at almost midnight and literally dropped on my bed and slept. It was really tiring because we arrive at Tropicana at 8 AM to set up our booths and everything and we only leave Tropicana at 10 PM when it closes. 

Basically what we offered at the PHC was free health screening tests and consultations by our staff as well as the staff from BP Healthcare. And what I had to do was basically entertain the crowd at certain time intervals while the tests were on going. Initially, I thought it would quite easy to do but turns out I was quite wrong. It was quite nerve wrecking at times.

We had quite a huge turn out of people who went for the health tests and consults. The last tallied total was 1600 people I think which doesn't sound like a lot but it was a lot to us. There were also some talks by our lectures at intervals as well games to give away some goodies. We even had some games for kids because we expected lots of parents to have kids around them while they go for these checks.

Candid shot of us entertaining kids
Excuse my expression as well as Mayin's.

Doing my thang with the mic. Lol
Wei Li and Xin Yu assisting me with the Health Quiz.

I have not actually emceed an event that was at this grand a scale. The last time I emceed was in high school. I was 16 and I was randomly selected to emcee the annual Rangers campfire. There's something about emceeing that requires one to have very thick skin and confidence as well as charisma. Like you really (and I really mean REALLY here) need to know how to work a crowd and keep them buzzed so to speak. They need to feel all cheery and happy and excited to be there and obviously I have to push this 'energy' towards them. Not as easy as it sounds.

Throughout these three days of emceeing I actually brought an extra pair of shoes in my bag. I had to wear pumps during the official opening ceremony because the podium was too tall (or rather I was too short) which made Dr. June laugh because she couldn't see my head until I swapped my flats to pumps. I had the most solid calf muscles after wearing my pumps and walking around in it for half the day. Thank God there were no blisters.

Overall, this Public Health Campaign was a really great experience. I got to try emceeing on a grander scale and also tried out several cool machines that were provided by our sponsors for the event. I've never seen or used most of the high tech weighing machines and smokerlyzer so it was pretty cool to experience handling it as well as using it.

Now for the best part of every post,
(I didn't go around taking pictures of the stations and high tech stuff because I was busy at the stage with my mic.)

Stage Activities and Protocol team.
(Left to right: Wei Li, She Yee, Samantha, myself)

Mun Yee, Wei Li, myself on one of our break time

Wei Li and myself
(We were trying to capture the ceiling with it's rainbow colored transitional lights)

Wei Li and myself trying to be funny and weird

Selfies for us vainpots!

Mun Yee, Wei Li, myself

Me with Wei Li, Mun Yee and Mayin after their short skit

Wei Li and I on Day 1

Half of TU School of Pharmacy Year 1's
(The other half were in UKM for the Sports Carnival which was on the same weekend as PHC)

All of us!
TU SOP students (seniors & juniors) and staff with SOM students and staff.

Oh and before I forget, Day 1 of PHC coincidentally fell on Mun Yee's birthday. We obviously couldn't have a celebration because we were all busy at the PHC and Jee Nie was in UKM bagging gold medals in the women's ping pong event and also running. You go girl! :)

We did however surprise Mun Yee with a slice of cake from Coffee Bean. It was totally last minute but Mayin bought the cake. Me and Wei Li went hunting for a lighter to light the candle and we sang "Happy Birthday" as well walked towards Mun Yee. It was kind of impromptu but we were glad that Mun Yee liked it.

Which birthday celebration (sort of) does not have pictures right. So here's another round of 'em.

Me with Mun Yee aka birthday girl :)

Group shot

Kisses for the birthday girl! xxxxx

Wei Li and Mun Yee

Mun Yee and her surprise slice of cake.
*The cake was really really good btw*

 Because I am such a vainpot so here's pictures of just myself. Yes, thick skinned and shameless and vain as hell but hey, I'm a lady so you cannot blame me for that :P

Last day on the job!

I can haz big buggy eyed sunnies! (Wei Li's sunnies)

Peek-a-boo I see you?

Ginormous heart.

Experience is more valuable
than any amount of gold
So I am truly grateful
to have been a part of this campaign
Thank you everyone
Delayed but still THANK YOU!
Love love love always


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