How's It Goin' So Far?

It has been weeks since I last blogged and in all honesty, I was more lazy to blog than not having the time to do so. I have had windows of free time and I spend them either sleeping or eating or re-watching shows. I admit it's a pretty lame thing to do but hey, I wanted to just kill time :)

Anyway, uni life has officially entered the slightly hectic phase. In addition to having, at average, 20 hours of lectures, lab sessions and workshops per week, we have been given our first ever assignment. Coming from the A-Levels background assignments aren't exactly my forte. I mean yes I have done them before in high school but not in a higher institution. And also the fact that almost everyone that I know of who had assignments to do told me that assignments are the KILLERS of their semester. I hear things like "staying up the whole day to complete their assignments" and "I'm swamped with assignments" or "OMFG assignments!!" and etc. Almost all the comments I have heard regarding assignments is the stress that it brings. So you can imagine what all those comments does to me, a girl with no assignments experience whatsoever from A-Levels, when I know that I am going to get a whole load-full of them in this 4 years. 


I am aware that people who have issues with assignments are those who procrastinate and I keep telling myself that as long as I don't procrastinate, I'm good to go. How wrong I was! The thing is, I partially procrastinated and the other half was because my schedule is so packed. I basically have class from early in the morning till late afternoon almost everyday. By the time I reach home, it's evening and I have to figure out my dinner plans and before I know it, it's past 11 and I haven't even done a thing for my assignment. By then, I need to go to bed because I have an early day AGAIN the next day. So this cycle repeats every weekday and when the weekend comes, I automatically take a break from everything. I mean I need to recharge after a whole week like that. 

Even as I write this blog post, I have not even begun writing my introduction for my MP module essay. So it is fair to say that I am royally screwed since my dateline is approaching like really soon. It's not that I do not want to start writing because I really honestly do, I am facing a writer's block whenever I stare at the blank Microsoft Word document. I think it's the pressure I am feeling, that I need to blow my mentor away with this essay since it is sort of a first impression thing, which is making me hold back or over think all the things I should write and how I should write. I know I should just let the words flow like how they do when I blog but still, I feel the pressure and that is making me unsure of my skills. They were right when they say over thinking is what kills you. I am living proof of that statement.

Now, moving on to the fun stuff after the rant session on the bleak stressful stuff :)

I have officially joined Taylor's University Apex!! :D That is the officially cheerleading club/cheerleading squad which cheers for Taylor's University Storm which is their dodgeball team. So far I have attended one practice only with them and it was AMAZING. My fellow cheerleaders are really funny and they're really supportive with my newbie noob skills :) I have issues with flexibility since I didn't have the proper cheer training back in Malacca. But their coach says it's okay somehow. So I go for practice and I love every minute of my time there. It is the one thing I look forward to every week. Practice is till 8pm every Tuesday and even if my lectures end at 6 and I have to stay back till 8, I am super excited for it. 

My first practice was a little awkward, me being the newbie and all but like I said they are really nice and supportive. Although it was intense for me since I haven't actually exercised for a very long time so I nearly died with the intensity of their strength training LOL The best part of practice was that I WAS FLYER FOR THE FIRST TIME!! :) I am super happy about that because I have been a backspot or base for the 5 years that I cheered in high school. They think I am light for a flyer so I am pretty happy with my weight now. And the experience of being a flyer is truly unforgettable. The first moment I went up there and stood was something no amount of money could ever replace. It blew me away. The whole time I kept thinking "I'm flying. Omgosh I'm really up here and a flyer for this period of time". Being a flyer has always been on my bucket list and if I were to die tomorrow, I would be pretty pleased and contented :) 

The only downside to this is my flexibility. I have the worse flexibility ever. I can't even do a split or any stunts. I don't know how in the world am I going to level up with them. So what I did was train on my own. I practice stretching every day and hopefully in month or longer, I would be able to do a front split and a side split and also do an almost perfect scale or heel stretch. Big dreams, but hey it is possible of you put your heart and mind to it :D

I have officially became a shopaholic. I really have. I will now share with you my most recent purchases. All within this month too. 

Finally found the mint green polish and matte finisher that I wanted! :D Essie's Matter About You finisher and OPI's Gargantuan Green Grape

OPI's Gargantuan Green Grape on my thumb :)

OPI's Gargantuan Green Grape and OPI's Go On Green on my index. Bought by Jee Nie :)

Swatching Essie's Matte About You finisher on multiple colors. Just to see how it looks like on different colors :D

Again, I expanded my nail polish collection. I am also a nail polish addict as you can see. They are just so irresistible when I see them selling at cheap prices :) Sadly my current course does not permit me to have colored nails due to my lab sessions and also my soon to come community placement. Ah well, I can save them for my holidays :D

Jar of Hearts babydoll dress from Peep Boutique at RM 30 :)

Jar of Hearts babydoll dress again. I am vain I know :P

Retro May Dress from Unmasqued at RM 36 :)

Same dress, vanity shot again :D

Right: Jar of Hearts. Left: Retro May Dress. So which looks better? :)
And yes I am aware of the black on white theme I have going on here. I had this urge or rather this color theme somehow attracted me. 

The best bargain of them all. This halter printed dress from Glitz & Glamourz at RM 20.
Yes, TWENTY only for this dress.
Steal price or what? :D

So I added a whole lot of dresses to my collection and I just realized that I have nowhere to where these dresses at the moment. Most of them are pretty short so I can't wear them to class because of the strict dress code we have. Although I see many breaking the rules by wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts. As well as slippers to lectures :/ Anyway, it is as what our Dean said during orientation, what and how we dress shows how much respect we have for the programme and if we choose to break the dress code then we are most likely unprofessional and show disrespect to the course. 

Time to hit the books again
Both for research as well as for my SFCM class test on Monday
I hope and pray that this writer's block I'm having goes away SOON
I need to complete my essay by the end of next week
Love love love always


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