Of New Beginnings...Sorta?


And once again I am back at my abandoned blog. Been awhile since I actually checked my blog and surprisingly I have more views than I recall. So I guess people do read my ramblings here. Haha

Well I frequently abandon my blog because like everyone else I have "many other obligations in life" [Read: I am basically just lazy. Really.]

Which is why it is a good thing I do not make a living by blogging. I would be a shame in the blogosphere. Or, maybe if it was my bread and butter I would be so much more enthusiastic about constantly posting stuff. Ah well, some things we will never know.

Anyway, if you arrived here from my previous blog post, HAI AGAIN. Thanks for actually reading my blog. I am not a legit blogger, just someone who likes to ramble a lot. Haha so bear with my slow updates or lack-thereof. 

I mentioned that something happened which was why I couldn't complete my final post about my Bali trip. It actually isn't anything major but seeing how lengthy my Bali (Day 3 & 4) post already was, I figured no need to put people through the torture of reading more words. Worse, words that are not even related to the title. Thus, I am tying this new post.

Okay, so what happened was my trusty laptop of 4 years died on me. It was a sudden thing literally. One night it was totally fine and the next it was dead and gone. Technically my laptop is still able to turn on with battery and direct current, but the screen remains blank (black background just in case anyone was wondering) with a blinking dash on the top left corner. It stays like that for however long I leave it connected to a power source. 

I did ask multiple people what exactly is up with my laptop and I received different answers each time. Some tell me it is my hard disk, others say it is my graphic card. I did not actually send it to a repair shop because my laptop was pretty laggy prior to it dying. It has served me for about the average lifespan of a laptop I would say so I figured the time has come for a change. 

After buying my new laptop, I realized that my pictures which were edited for my blog post were not in my external hard disk. What a smart thing to do right? A 1TB hard disk and I forgot to back that up. Pfftt

The only good thing is that I shared most of the pictures from my trip. Wish I could share all of it as planned but luck was not on my side. At least I learned to back everything up now. I guess it also serves me right haha

So that is what happened. Like I said nothing major whatsoever. Pretty boring in my opinion. LOL


I have been thinking about this blog lately and how I always abandon it somewhere along the road. Usually when I busy with my other "more important things". I know it is really no excuse for me to do that but I tried to post as often as I could but work always swamped me. 

Sometimes I do feel like working on a post but I lack the inspiration or rather my idea would be somewhat mediocre and I do not really spend time and my focus on expanding my idea or looking for inspiration. I guess that is the issue with lazy people. Which brings me to the main point:

I have this urge to start a Tumblr blog instead. 

I can guess what some people will think when they read that. 
"You cannot even manage a blogspot blog and now you want another blog?"

I figured Tumblr would be easier for me to update since basically what everyone does is reblog other people's post and I am already obsessed with We Heart It (link in the sidebar for my WHI account). Tumblr seems like the appropriate next step, hence, new beginnings.

I will still blog here. Whenever I have a more wordy post, I will be here. For some reason, Blogger still appeals to me for lengthy and wordy posts. I only see my Tumblr as a place to reblog pictures and maybe share my own pictures and short blog posts. 

So cutting to the point, come find me on my Tumblr account

So, see you there!

Thanks for reading
I'll be back here soon
Love love love always


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