Movie Mania: Cute and Comedic

I'm back again with another update about the movies I have watched. I'm really on a roll these days when it comes to movies. I've been watching almost all the movies that are showing now in the cinemas (the English ones of course LOL). This time around I watched one of the most hyped and anticipated movie as well as something that is not conventional for me.


Despicable Me 2

I have to tell you that this movie is really good. Especially if you're like me, a young adult but still a kid at heart. I fully admit that I love my huge Disney/Pixar collection of movies. They are my entire childhood I kid you not. The Despicable Me series is not under Disney or Pixar but it is still one amazing animated movie that even adults enjoy. 

What's most popular about this movie is of course the super adorbs petite yellow helpers in the movie:
The Minions! 

I believe this movie is made popular because of the minions. If you walked down the street and asked someone what is Despicable Me, 9 out of 10 would probably answer you the minions. That's how popular they are. I do love those minions but my fave character is definitely Agnes. She is beyond cute in the movie! :D

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. Copyright goes to the respective parties who own the movie)

The above clip is from the first movie. Isn't she just super cute and adorbs? :) 
The famous "Unicorn Song":

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. Copyright goes to the respective parties who own the movie)

If the second clip didn't make you smile, I don't know what else would. Lol
 If you're having doubts about Despicable Me 2, here's the trailer which might convince you to watch it:

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. Copyright goes to the respective parties who own the movie)

And another one to tickle your funny bones :P

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. Copyright goes to the respective parties who own the movie)


Badges of Fury

This is my non-conventional choice of movie. I do not usually watch Cantonese movies but this time I did. I actually did not have the slightest clue what the movie was about until I actually watched it. There was a lot of fighting in it and to be honest, this movie is bad. There is humor in the movie but the whole thing is just ridiculous. Story line wise it's not that bad since it's a crime/cop kind of genre. What I really found annoying was the fighting scenes that really just seemed out of place from the era the movie actually took place in. Also, there were so many (I'm not sure what to call it) stunts that looked so fake. Like, who would believe that someone can be suspended in the air at 180 degrees? 

I have watched plenty of Cantonese movies shown on TV like those acted by Jackie Chan and the one striking difference between this movie and the movies acted by Jackie Chan is the unrealistic nature of this movie. The fighting scenes were just too fake for me. Honestly, nothing like Jackie Chan's fighting scenes or even the famous Ip Man movie. So this movie is a let down. Harsh but true.

That's the end of my movie mania for now. Might end up watching more movies in the weeks to come or maybe not at all.

Enjoying the comforts of home
Shall update with another post tomorrow
Time to relax for now
Love love love always


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