Movie Buff: Humor & Action

It's Sunday night and I am supposed to be prepping for bed time since I have a full day of work tomorrow but I just felt like writing another post. The words were just going off in my head at warp speed so here I am typing away.

I just came back from the fourth movie of the week. Yes, I've watched that many movies in less than 7 days. Too much free time and frankly speaking, 2013 has so many good movies to watch. I cannot recall a year where I wanted to watch nearly all the movies that will be shown or are showing now or had be shown months back. It's a little confusing but the point is there are so many good movies this year. 

This week I started out by watching World War Z. I've actually watched the trailer for this movie several times and I couldn't understand what it was all about. All I saw was humans everywhere and they were running like their butts were on fire but I have no idea what were they running from. I found out that it was about zombies from my 14 year old brother who has not watched the movie. Leave it to the boys to know what this kind of movie it's all about. 

I have only a few words to describe the movie:

First of all, I'm not a fan of zombies. Not now and not ever. The only kind of living dead that I like are the Salvatore brothers from Vampire Diaries. There's just this gruesome nature of zombies that give me the heebie jeebies. So you can imagine how creep-ed out I was during the entire movie. My heart was racing and I had to peek from between my fingers at certain scene because it was just too much for me. That's not even the most embarrassing part. I bought a pack of pretzel pieces before heading for the movie and within the first 20-30 minutes of the movie, I freaked out and got a shock that I spilled a quarter of my pretzel pieces. This happened twice.

However, I have to say that it was a great movie. Even with all the gross and scary bits. Watching this movie is like going for a two hour long roller coaster ride where the adrenaline rush is so high. I know it's pretty odd for me to use a roller coaster ride analogy but it felt that way to me. The unexpected scenes and the overall thrilling nature of the movie really sets your pulse on overdrive. Definitely a must watch. For those who somehow have not watched the trailer, click below :)

(DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Copyright to respective parties who own the movies.)

Second movie on the same day was The Heat. This one was the total opposite of World War Z. This movie is rated 18 for a very good reason and it is a comedy. It's not all the time funny but it had it's moments. Sometimes, the puns and the jokes are not quite as easy to catch unless you're really listening to the dialogue. There were moments where I was the only one who would burst out in laughter in the entire cinema. I think it's because I was the only one who found the particular joke funny. Overall, it's more of an okay kind of comedy. It's watch-able but not on my definite must watch list. Again, if you have no clue what movie this is click below to find out :)

(DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Copyright to respective parties who own the movies.)

The next movie I watched was White House Down. This movie was totally impromptu. On that day, I sent my laptop for maintenance and it ended up taking longer than I expected. So while waiting, I decided to kill time by watching a movie. Hence, White House Down. I heard that this movie was pretty good so I gave it a try. Now, whoever said that this movie is pretty good probably is understating a fact. This movie was AMAZING.

It had just the right balance of adrenaline of an action movie and humor of a comedy. This movie centralized around the US Government in D.C. and how a bunch of traitors took over the White House and wanted to capture the President. When I summarize it in that way, everyone will think it's almost the same as every other patriotic themed movie but it isn't. It's has other aspects in there as well like the love of a father. I won't elaborate so much here as that would be deemed as spoilers. This movie is on my definite must watch list. Click below to watch the trailer if you haven't watched it :)

(DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Copyright to respective parties who own the movies.)

 My last movie of the week is The Lone Ranger. This is another Disney movie. It's like the Wild Wild West for kids. I mean which kid doesn't like cowboys and red Indians. Because it's made for mainly the children audience, there's a lot of comedy in it as well as action. Cowboys and Indians definitely have some kind of action going on especially down south in the state of Texas. Lots of guns and shooting and of course horses. With Johnny Depp acting in one of the lead roles, there is a definite level of laughter that this movie will bring out from it's audience. I would say that it is a good movie if you prefer something with little or no adult content. The upside to this movie is the humor and again, action. Not going to elaborate further but do watch the trailer and see if you like it :)

(DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Copyright to respective parties who own the movies.)

So that's the movies I have watched so far for this week. I have a few more that I would love to catch this couple of weeks and if I do I'll update it here :)

Rankings for these 4 movies:
(top meaning must watch)
First: White House Down
Second: World War Z
Third: The Lone Ranger
Fourth: The Heat

Half of 2013 has gone by
A year of great movies
Glad I had the best company to watch all these with
Love love love always


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